Total Cost of Ownership
A three-year study[i] of six competing software programs shows how FM compares in TCO. The study included license acquisition, development environment (5 seats), development cost, deployment cost, training, two application upgrades including acquisition and development, and support and maintenance.
The other development tools often require various add-ons, some of which may be beyond the programming capability of your lead programmer. Not only do you need to identify the best add-on, but may additionally need to hire a specialist programmer to configure the add-on. The time required for shopping, contracting (the specialist), coordinating and integrating the solution can be exceedingly significant! In our experience, a SQL programmer required about 6 months to develop a solution that required 3 days with FileMaker. Again, it's common for other systems to take months - or even years - to develop, while FileMaker yields solutions in days or weeks.
[i] White paper: Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools, written by Frank J. Ohlhorst, an award winning technology journalist, professional speaker and IT business consultant with over 25 years of experience in the technology arena. Published by FileMaker, Inc.
[i] White paper: Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools, written by Frank J. Ohlhorst, an award winning technology journalist, professional speaker and IT business consultant with over 25 years of experience in the technology arena. Published by FileMaker, Inc.